Programs, research, and services

Digital Resources for Community and Science works in three broad areas.

We do science and health communication, and development of science tools, for our own online projects and programs. We research and monitor online science communication in several core practice areas. And we offer mission-related services to other scicommers, health communicators, and science and health organizations.

In most projects and practice areas, as an organization, we strictly do communication and promotion of informal science learning. In the area of indoor air quality, we also engage in some advocacy.

Our science & scicomm sites

Real science for real people
A web- and social-media-based informal science learning project, exploring any and all science related to fluoride

A web-based air quality data interpretation tool, supporting community members and grassroots groups in putting community-collected air toxics data into context

Safe Indoor Air For Oregon Schools
Helping Oregon families and schools understand and implement best practices in ventilation and air filtration to prevent airborne virus transmission and provide other indoor air quality benefits

Research & practice areas

  • Air quality
  • Chemistry
  • Climate change communication
  • Oral health
  • Public health
  • Vaccination
  • Water quality

Mission-related services

We offer online science communication services to science websites and social media projects.

Although we have specialized knowledge of websites and social media in our research and practice areas, we work with websites and social media accounts from any scientific field, in our mission-related services.

We cut through misinformation on the internet
about science topics
that families and communities care about